Wednesday 9 November 2016

My Trip To Korea
It was 1/4/2016(sakura time).I went to korea(soul) for a week and it was amazing!I went to many places at korea.It was one of my best memorys i ever had.I went to see the  full bloom cherry blossom tree!and i also went to Nami Island but it was raining  when we got there.We ate many amazing and delicious food! our favourite food was the bread and garlic cheese but the food also have cinamomon much a cool cafe" and the owner owns two sheeps that are named Lulu and Lala.How do i know the  know differents? well Lala has a small head and Luluhas a big head (kind of).It was really fun staying in korea                                         
                                                                                   word sakura because only japan people use the 
                                                                                   Sakura in their country so instead of the word        
                                                                                   sakura they called it the Cherry Blossom tree.
                                                                                   Well thats all i hope u guys liked my story about
                                                                                    my adventures when im in korea! 

Wednesday 26 October 2016

My ambition is being an artist.I always wanted to become a artist because I loved drawing when i was 9 years old.I was interested in drawing when i was 8 years old.When i saw my friends draw i was really suprised of my friends drawing.Until when i was 9 years old  i started drawing ponies and other stuff.It was really fun to draw and very relaxing.When i was 10 years old i started drawing anime character's like "Snow white with the red hair".Now im 11 years old i started drawing my own anime character's my favourite character i made was Inshiko Saraini.Inshiko Saraini is a really cute character I made.The character is a vary special character.The character has white hair and red/pink eyes.My second favourite character was Ainashito Kiomani.This character is a girl that has purple galaxy hair with blue galaxy eyes.This character is a vampire but not a normal one is a rare one.Well that's all for now  hope u guys like my story.

Wednesday 12 October 2016


When i was 8 years old i went to india for my first time.It was fun but mostly hot.My favourite place in india is panaikulam(chennai) i live in panaikulam for 2 weeks.The best thing is my house in panaikulam is near a beach and everytime i get bored in india i would roam  around the village with grandfather or play with the sand.My grandparents country is in india at panaikulam.My grandfather's name is Naveer Mohideen.My grandfather's sister's died because they had "demam kuning" is a deadly fever that u can die.My Grandmother's name is Ummul Hasira Deevie.Her father died because of diabetes.Her mother is a strong woman and she is still alive from now.Her mother is 91 years old.Her mother is still strong she tries to do anything that she could do.the second time i went to india when i was 9 years old i stayed at india for 3 weeks.I went to the beach and found a beatifull baby crab that is white and has black dots.I see so many fresh fishes at the beach and it is realy tasty!the nect day i went the supermarket that sells fishes.I bought 3 cat fish because my grandfather wanted to teach me for to cook a cat fish.When i came home we took a glass plate and put some branches on the glass plate and took a metal thing around the branches.Then my grandfather grabd some maches and light up the branches with the matches.then i took the cooking vesel and put oil in the cooking vesel.
i oput the cat fish in and friend the cat fish.It was really tasty.This is one of my best memories in india.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

MY SECOND HOBBY IS...PLANETS! i love learning about planets because it is intresting and relaxing to learn about :)

Wednesday 17 August 2016

ini ialah hobby pertama saya.Saya suka melukis bila saya ade masa untuk melukis. Gambar ini  ialah gambar yang saya pernah lukis semula .lukisan ini semasa saya darjah 3.Saya berminat hobby ini kerana hobby ini membuat saya tenang dan gembira :).

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Ini pakaian lengkap pandu puteri tunas.

Pandu Puteri (dikenali sebagai Pengakap Puteri USA di Amerika Syarikat) adalah organisasi pengakap untuk gadis dan pemudi. World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts adalah badan penyelia antarabangsa kepada pergerakan pengakap puteri.
Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia (PPPM) pula telah ditubuhkan secara rasminya dalam tahun 1917 apabila ia didaftarkan di Calcutta tetapi Pusat Pentadbiran ialah diSingapura, sehingga tahun 1956. Ibu Pejabat Kebangsaan kini terletak di Wisma Pandu Puteri, Jalan Pantai Baharu, Kuala Lumpur sejak tahun 1957.
Pertubuhan Pandu Puteri ditubuhkan sebagai versi wanita kepada pengakap Lord Robert Baden-Powell, pada tahun 1910 dengan bantuan saudara perempuannya Agnes Baden-Powell. Pada September, 1908, sejumlah kecil gadis hadir untuk Perhimpunan Pengakap "Scout Rally" pertama di Crystal Palace, memanggil diri mereka Pengakap Puteri. Lord Baden-Powell menubuhkan Pandu Puteri sebagai pergerakan selari bagi mereka, diselenggarakan oleh saudara perempuannya Agnes Baden-Powell. Sementara Agnes memainkan peranan utama sehingga kematiannya, Isteri Lord Baden-Powell, Lady Olave Baden-Powell, menjadi Ketua Pandu Chief Guide England pada tahun 1918, dan Ketua Pandu Sedunia pada tahun 1930.
Pandu Puteri Girl Guides dinamakan sempena kor terkenal di India. Baden-Powell bimbang sekiranya mereka dikenali sebagai pengakap akan menyebabkan kanak-kanak lelaki menjauhi diri, dan juga keluarga gadis!
Disebabkan gadis dibenarkan memasuki Pengakap di British, jumlah Pandu Puteri merosot di sana.
Di Britain, usia junior antara (7-10) of guides dikenali sebagaiBrownies; younger girls (5-7) are called Rainbows, and older guides become Young Leaders or Rangers (the former concentrating more on becoming guide leaders, the latter more on advanced guide activities). In Canada, the Guides are divided into multiple programmes depending on age: Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders.
Maklumat lanjut dan sejarah Pandu Puteri boleh di dapati dalam rencana mengenai Pengakap