Wednesday 12 October 2016


When i was 8 years old i went to india for my first time.It was fun but mostly hot.My favourite place in india is panaikulam(chennai) i live in panaikulam for 2 weeks.The best thing is my house in panaikulam is near a beach and everytime i get bored in india i would roam  around the village with grandfather or play with the sand.My grandparents country is in india at panaikulam.My grandfather's name is Naveer Mohideen.My grandfather's sister's died because they had "demam kuning" is a deadly fever that u can die.My Grandmother's name is Ummul Hasira Deevie.Her father died because of diabetes.Her mother is a strong woman and she is still alive from now.Her mother is 91 years old.Her mother is still strong she tries to do anything that she could do.the second time i went to india when i was 9 years old i stayed at india for 3 weeks.I went to the beach and found a beatifull baby crab that is white and has black dots.I see so many fresh fishes at the beach and it is realy tasty!the nect day i went the supermarket that sells fishes.I bought 3 cat fish because my grandfather wanted to teach me for to cook a cat fish.When i came home we took a glass plate and put some branches on the glass plate and took a metal thing around the branches.Then my grandfather grabd some maches and light up the branches with the matches.then i took the cooking vesel and put oil in the cooking vesel.
i oput the cat fish in and friend the cat fish.It was really tasty.This is one of my best memories in india.

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